South Florida's Best Trainer

Michael Rosidor - (786) 419-6464

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Body Sculpting

Training Locations

  • home
  • work
  • gym
  • studio
  • outdoor


  • NFPT: Resistance training NFPT: Senior Fitness NFPT: Nutrition CPR

Personal Trainer Overview

I became a personal trainer to help people transform their lives and I want to see you accomplish more than you can on your own. It is difficult to find the time and motivation, so I will push you to accomplish your goals. What sets me apart from the average trainer, is that I strongly believe in educating my clients in every aspect of health and fitness. From proper nutrition, to safe and effective exercise routines, that help clients reach their fitness goals. I believe that knowledge is the key to success, so it is my ultimate goal to educate my clients to the point where within 6 months of training with me, they are capable of continuing to train themselves with out me, while continuing to get results on their own.

Training Philosophy

My role in improving my clients’ quality of life is that of an educator, motivator and designer of personalized fitness programs. I stress the long-term health benefits of improving one’s strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness which invariably lead to better appearance, positive outlook on life and enhanced self-esteem.


A.A. in Physical Therapy from Miami Dade College


A native of Florida, fitness has been a passion of mine from an early age. I have worked at various gym's across South Florida for the past 6 years. With over 6 years of experience in the fitness industry, I have had the opportunity to help clients from a various fitness levels, age groups, from athlete's to rehab patients reach their fitness goals.