Personal Trainers in New Brunswick, New Jersey

Personal Trainers in New Brunswick, New Jersey

Personal Trainer Keelin Eichert

NJ Finest Trainer

Keelin Eichert

New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901


  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting

This profile has been updated since June 2013. If you see the other profile, please dis-regard. Just like "one size does not fit all", one workout definitely does not fit all. That is why I take the time to understand your goals, your current physical abilities and what will work for you, to make your training sessions fun, but challenging using multiple modalities for balance and good conditioning. Injuries? No problem, I can develop a training regimen around any physical limitation you may have to give you the best workout possible. Consistency is the cornerstone of getting results. Therefore, training consistently is key if you want to make a lifestyle change. That is why I will give you the tools you need in order to train on your own, in addition to our sessions to get you the results you desire.

More details about New Brunswick, New Jersey Personal Trainer Keelin Eichert