Jorge's personal training

Jorge Alvarez - (928)750-4163

San Luis, Arizona 85349

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • sport performance

Training Locations

  • home
  • work
  • outdoor



Personal Trainer Overview

Do yourself a favor and hire a personal trainer, it is in your best of interest to start living a healthier lifestyle, be strong, fit, look good and perform well, beware of shady trainers that tell you to take every supplement under the sun

Training Philosophy

I personally believe anybody can get in shape with hard work, decipline and education, as a trainer I am not here to impress people but I am here to educate them


I graduated San Luis high school in 2014, while I was their I took 2 classes that helped me out a lot which was sports medicine( taken 2 years), and also anatomy and physiology, I am currently a college freshman


I was the fat kid growing up and was bullied for it from kinder all the way to 8th grade, until I decided to do something about it and lose weight, in 8th months I went from 270 to 176 in the watching what and how much I ate, at the time also I was in a youth football program