Certified Personal Trainer
Art LLC - (302) 477-0123
Wilmington, Delaware 19803
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- gym
- studio
- Expert Rating Personal Training Certification Expert Rating Sports Nutrition Certification NASM PErsonal Training Certification
Personal Trainer Overview
While training with me you can expect a variety of different workouts that are put together for your specific needs. Our training sessions will be simple yet intense. Each session will be client specific and cater to your goals.
Training Philosophy
I believe in accountability. You get out everything that you put in. If you work hard and put in 100 percent you will reap the benefits of your hard work. I believe in the 5 p's which stands for proper planning prevents poor performance. If you plans for possible outcomes you can control the outcome.
Bachelors in Business Administration
I have over 5 years of Health and fitness experience. I am a certified personal trainer with NASM (NAtional Academy of Sports Medicine), Expert Rating Certified Personal Training, and I hold a Sports Nutrition Certification. I began my fitness career as an in house trainer. I would travel to business and homes and provide my personal training services to those who requested in the forms of one on one sessions, partner training sessions, and group class. With my experience I have been able to build a career promoting weight loss, mass gain, muscle endurance, correcting postural imbalances, and increasing client flexibility. I became a personal trainer because I enjoy making a change in others lives. Seeing someone accomplish their goals is rewarding. I feel like I make a difference.