FinesseFit Personal Trainer in the San Jose area

Billie Tran - (408)508-5025

San Jose, California 95133

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting

Training Locations

  • home
  • gym


  • Ace Certified

Personal Trainer Overview

I am an ACE certified Personal Trainer who utilizes circuit training to help clients reach their goals of being healthier, burning fat and toning their bodies.

Training Philosophy

I believe in being the best and to show my clients that I'm serious in getting them results, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not complete satisfied with my training.


Ace certified


One day when I realized how unhealthy I was and how that had an impact on my life I realize that it was time for me to change. When I first started it wasn't an easy task but eventually after several trials I succeeded in my fitness goals. When I accomplished my goals and realized how much being fit and healthy impacted my life I realized that this was something that I would like to share with others.